DataGen Services

Custom-fit Contact List

Craft Your Dream Prospect List Ditch dead ends, get real conversions. We build custom contact lists packed with high-potential leads, precisely targeted for your business.

Here's the magic:

Tell us your ideal customer criteria

Share your goals, we'll map the landscape.

Smart data, accurate results

We leverage advanced search techniques and platforms to find & verify perfect leads.

Get what you need

Name, title, company, email, phone, social & more!.

Human-verified data

Guaranteed emails & optional phone verification.

Boost ROI:

Target the right audience, watch campaigns soar.

Pricing starts at $0.50/lead. Discounts for volume & partnerships. Ready to hit your target? Let's craft your dream list.

ABM Target List

Hit Your Bullseye, Every Time

Tired of ABM campaigns that hit crickets? We crafts highly target contact lists that land you right in the CXO's inbox. No more wasted outreach. Focus on the decision-makers who matter.

Here's how:

Pricing starts at $0.80/contact, Get a custom quote today.


Breathe New Life into Your Data Drowning in dirty data? We breathe new life into it.

Drowning in dirty data? We breathe new life into it.


Actionable insights

No bad leads, just clean & organized data.

Smarter decisions.

Easy-to-use & compliant data for your business.

Get a list laser-targeted to your ABM strategy. Every contact counts.

Say goodbye to bounces, hello to campaigns that sing!

We do:

Audit & analyze

Find & fix weak spots.

Cleanse & correct

Ensure accuracy & trust.

Maintain the shine.

Keep your data healthy.

Pricing: Tailored to your needs, starting at $199/1000 contacts.


    Finding mobile numbers online is tricky:
  • Many are protected for privacy and unavailable.
  • Expect only 30-40% success from online sources.
  • Privacy & Responsibility: Trust and transparency matter. We responsibly use data (ethically, legally, only opt-in), ensuring GDPR compliance and maximizing its value for client.